At Walmart, we’re continuing our efforts to strengthen our community of families, friends and associates during this unprecedented time. Our latest responses to COVID-19 include taking additional steps for the health and safety of our associates, making key services completely contact free, and helping to meet the urgent need of food assistance across the nation.
As our company and country continue to deal with the spread of COVID-19, we remain focused on the well-being of our associates and recently shared additional steps to promote a safe and healthy workplace. We are beginning to take the temperatures of our associates as they report to work in stores, clubs and facilities. Any associate with a temperature of 100 degrees will be sent home, asked to seek medical treatment if necessary, and told to not return to work until they are fever-free for at least three days. We will also make masks and gloves available to our associates who want to wear them – as supplies permit. While the CDC is not recommending masks or gloves for healthy people, we believe it’s important that our associates are comfortable and feel safe. Lastly, we are asking associates and customers to remember three numbers: 6, keep six-foot distance between other people; 20, wash hands for at least 20 seconds in soap and water; and 100, stay home if you have a temperature of 100 or higher.
To add another layer of safety for our associates and customers, we’re implementing contact-free services for payment, pickup and delivery. Checking out at Walmart will be completely contact free on any register when you use Walmart Pay on the Walmart app in the coming week, including offering a QR code in place of selecting a payment method on the touchscreen. Our pickup and delivery services play a really important role for our customers, especially right now. Now, pickup customers can simply open their trunk, and associates load their groceries in – no need to sign for the order. And for delivery, we’ll bypass the signature here too, asking delivery drivers to simply leave the order on customers’ doorsteps.
Finally, we’ve been humbled by the response from so many of our customers asking: How can we help? To answer that call, we worked with Feeding America to launch Walmart and Sam’s Club’s seventh annual Fight Hunger. Spark Change. (FHSC) online donations early. Through online donations, much-needed funds go directly to Feeding America and its nationwide network of local food banks that are meeting the increasing demand in their communities. To kickstart this year’s campaign, Walmart donated $3 million to Feeding America and member food banks. This is in addition to the Walmart Foundation’s $10 million commitment to support food banks, and school and senior meal programs in providing access to food for underserved populations.
For more information about Walmart’s response to COVID-19, please visit here.