While reports show Latinos will represent a greater percentage of students in the future, college affordability remains an issue for them. In order to continue helping to close the education gap forHispanic students in this country, McDonald’s Hispanic owner/operators granted half a million dollars to RonaldMcDonald House Charities® (RMHC®) to sponsor$100,000 RMHC®/HACER® National Scholarship awards to five college-bound Hispanic high school seniors. This year McDonald’s is supporting enhancements to the scholarship with the addition of a mentorship program that will offer guidance throughout the students’ college years.“At RMHC®, we understand the importance of education and are committed to providing resources to students so they can reach their full potential,” said Sheila Musolino,president and CEO of RMHC®. “With the support ofMcDonald’s, we’re able to provide hardworking, determinedHispanic students across the country opportunities to continue building promising futures.”This year’s winners included Darinelle Merced-Calderon,Florida; Gianfranco Filice, California; Helena Silva-Nichols,Arizona; Sarah Jackson, California; and Elizabeth Manero,Virginia. They join a list of over 17,800 students who have benefited from the local and national RMHC®/HACER®Scholarships since 1985.