The Hispanic Association of Colleges and Universities (HACU) 23rd Annual National Capitol Forum on Hispanic Higher Education took place on April 9-10, 2018, in Washington, D.C. The two-day event included sessions on the most pressing legislative and appropriations priorities for Hispanic-Serving Institutions (HSIs). A session about the new Congressional HSI Caucus also provided an update on the latest policy priorities. The HSI Caucus was established to provide ongoing awareness about the value and impact of HSIs in the districts and communities that Members of Congress represent. Despite a significant growth in the number of HSIs, as well as the number of low-income and first generation students in those institutions, federal investments have remained stagnant over the past decade. The HSI Caucus provides opportunities for members of Congress to further engage in a dialogue about the development of additional resources and legislative opportunities for HSIs. The Capitol Forum included state delegation visits to congressional offices on Capitol Hill. A reception, “Honoring the Champions of Hispanic Higher Education in Congress”, concluded the Forum. HACU plans to release a STEM report following the event. For information about partnerships and sponsorship opportunities, contact, (210) 576- 3236, or visit