Lawrence Romo is a United States Air Force academy graduate, who served the USAF and USAF Reserves for 28 years. He also served for 40 years as a federal employee, including seven years as the US Selective Service System director. He was nominated by President Obama and unanimously confirmed by the Senate. The American GI Forum, a Congressional Chartered organization, works on veterans advocacy, equal/civil rights advocacy and educational access advocacy. The National Commander just visited numerous congressional offices at the Capitol to advocate for these issues in regards to the Latino community. The American GI Forum will be hosting the 2018 National Veterans Day reception in Washington D.C. for national leaders in the veteran service community and other civic leaders. Each national veterans service organization takes turns as host every 25 years. We will meet at Arlington National Cemetery for a wreath laying ceremony at Private Felix Longoria’s gravesite. Our mission is to take care of our military, veterans, their families, and also the Latino community. We look forward to working with HACR on these important issues.